KONE JumpLift™ solution

Our self-climbing construction time lift solution uses the building’s permanent lift shaft during construction for smooth logistics that speed up building completion and lead to a quicker return on investment.

How can a KONE JumpLift help you?


Faster construction

KONE JumpLift provides early access to use the building's permanent lift shaft for faster vertical transportation and increased load capacity, helping workers, their tools, and materials reach their destination floor faster, saving hours every day.



Lower overall costs

With a JumpLift construction lift, workers spend less time traveling or waiting for materials to arrive, daily labor costs decrease, the building is finished faster, and owners can capitalise on their investment sooner.



All-weather operation

KONE JumpLifts use the building's permanent lift shaft for vertical transportation, so unlike traditional construction hoists and construction site lifts, work can proceed unhindered inside the building, regardless of external weather conditions.



Improved safety

Construction hoists can detach from the building to cause damage or injury, but a KONE JumpLift is installed inside the lift hoistway to increase construction lift safety and meet lift safety regulations and codes.


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Boost your productivity with KONE JumpLift

Use the slider to calculate potential construction time savings for your mid rise buildings project now.


Site workers (empl.)

Elevator shafts


Days faster completion time*

* in a typical 12-24 month project, leveraging the potential of KONE JumpLift


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Easy lift installation

Easy lift installation

From detailed planning to professional project manangement, we priortise construction lift safety and maximise efficiency to keep your project on schedule and on budget, with no surprises.


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