Our essential services cover all the basic maintenance activities for your equipment, including those that you must carry out in accordance with local legislation. They include the choice of maintenance method, management of mandatory equipment and inspection audits, options for access to our customer care centre, and the method of in-lift communication passengers use to communicate with KONE in the event of a breakdown or emergency.
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KONE Performance Services give you the possibility to tailor services and service levels to meet your precise needs. These services cover things like annual availability guarantees for your equipment, the service hours for our maintenance activities, response times for repairs and breakdowns, and service engineer availability. You can also define any additional services you might need, such as equipment cleaning and janitor services.
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Repairs and breakdowns
Repair and breakdown services cover situations like unplanned repairs and breakdowns. You can determine the service level from a wide range of options, including the number of yearly callouts, choose the components covered in your contract, as well as the coverage-level for repair costs. We also offer various repair packages, including limited cover for materials and labour costs.
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Communication and interactions
KONE Communication and Interaction services include options for our KONE Online digital service. The basic level includes access to maintenance and equipment performance data, while the highest level gives you the possibility to create fully customisable reports on all maintenance-related activities. With the KONE Mobile app you can receive notifications for ongoing maintenance work and view upcoming maintenance visits, and make service requests. We also have service options for consulting and training.
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